Informed by the work of the UK Climate Change Committee, the Southampton Climate Commission seeks to be an independent voice in the city, providing authoritative information on steps towards a low carbon, climate resilient future so as to inform policies and shape the actions of local stakeholders and decision makers. It will monitor progress towards meeting the city’s carbon reduction and nature-based targets and recommend actions to keep the city on track and advise on the assessment of the climate-related risks and adaptation opportunities in the city.


Southampton City Council declared a climate emergency in 2019, with the ambition of working towards becoming a net zero organisation by 2030 for scope 1 and 2 emissions. While the council is taking responsibility for its own emissions, city wide action is urgently required to make our contribution to containing global temperature rises within 1.5C. Beyond this limit, there is a strong scientific consensus that there will be catastrophic consequences for both humanity and the natural world.

Our Vision

Working with partners, stakeholders and the community, the Southampton Climate Commission provides an inclusive, collective approach, in ensuring a just transition towards a low carbon and climate resilient future for everyone in the city.

Our priority areas

Our objectives

1. Establish carbon hotspots

2. Set priorities & targets

3. Establish Southampton Climate Action Plan (SCAP)

4. Support and report on SCAP

5. Bi-directional communication plan

6. Annual report

Key links

Key links

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